Successful applications of catalytic hydrogenation in gasoline / diesel refining

Publish time: 2nd December, 2011      Source: CNPC
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On November 30, the application of PHF-101, a catalyst used in the 2 Mt/a hydrogenation unit for ultra-low-sulfur diesel production, is reported successful at PetroChina Urumqi Petrochemical Company.

Developed by CNPC Petrochemical Research Institute, the catalyst marks a new milestone after the successful application of the DSO-M hydrodesulfurization / olefin reduction approach in Urumqi Petrochemical's 600 Kt/a gasoline hydroupgrading facility.

The first trial run of Urumqi Petrochemical's 600 Kt/a gasoline hydroupgrading facility based on the DSO-M hydrodesulfurization / olefin reduction technique turned out very successful and started production of quality products within 24 hours, with the sulfur content in compliance with the National IV Standard for gasoline.

The addition of new catalyst in Urumqi Petrochemical's 2 Mt/a hydrogenation unit for ultra-low-sulfur diesel production started on November 8, 2011. Conversion to HDS feedstocks took place on November 27. Qualified products were produced after 10 hours of conversion, with the sulfur content in compliance with the National IV Standard for diesel. Further optimization of the operation conditions resulted in the sulfur content in compliance with the National V Standard for diesel.

The successful applications of gasoline / diesel hydrogenation catalysts in Urumqi Petrochemical's new facilities are a symbol of the level of technological sophistication CNPC has reached in producing cleaner fuels in compliance with the National IV Standard for gasoline and the National IV / V Standards for diesel, which is of great importance to our refining business.