Western Canada's rapeseed, wheat output up in October

Publish time: 11th November, 2013      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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November 11, 2013


Western Canada's rapeseed, wheat output up in October


Western Canadian farmers harvested more rapeseed and wheat in October as compared to Statistics Canada's (Statscan) estimates, the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) said on Thursday (Nov 7).



Bruce Burnett, CWB director of weather and market analysis estimated rapeseed production at 16.81 million tonnes, up from Statscan's forecast of 15.89 million tonnes, and saw all-wheat production at 31.39 million tonnes, higher than Statscan's estimate of 30.46 million tonnes.



Burnett gave his estimates at the Cereals North America conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. CWB owned a government-granted marketing monopoly for Western Canada's wheat and barley until August 2012, and is now a small grain marketer.



On Wednesday (Nov 6) at the conference, Bunge Ltd pegged the rapeseed harvest at 17.43 million tonnes.