Business Direction of Amino Acid Companies

Report edition: 2014 edition(1)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 39
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


Amino acid industry hot topics since 2013:

-Capacity of bulk amino acids (especially lysine and methionine) continued to increase in the world, intensifying the competition in global market.

-Due to increasing competition and weak demand, the market of bulk amino acids in China continued in recession.

-Leading producers of bulk amino acids started to cut production since end 2013, and the price of bulk amino acids saw rebound since Q2 2013.

Purpose of report:

CCM has analyzed the performance and management plans of both domestic and overseas leading producers of amino acids, in order to make a comparison of domestic and overseas enterprises, and give a future pattern of global amino acid industry.

What to report:

In this report, business directions of leading amino acid producers are analyzed from the following aspects:

-Performance of producers by segment and region;

-Some key projects;

-Some important dynamics;

-Future management plans.


-Competition in global lysine market is becoming more intense following the launch of many new capacities in China and the US. Integration of lysine industry will be improved therefore.

-Global distribution of methinone production will be more balanced after the completion of some new capacities in Asia, including plants of Evonik and CJ Group.

-Minor amino acids may be considered as new growth point for domestic producers, because of their higher profitability than bulk products.

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