Vitamin Industry Trend in China 2017–2018

Report edition: 2019 edition(2)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 77
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


Vitamin industry hot topics in 2017 and 2018:

- Environmental inspection has been playing a dominant role in the performance of China's vitamin industry since 2017.

- Under the environmental pressure, many vitamin manufacturers were forced to suspend or stop production in 2017 and 2018.

- A fire occurred at BASF's citral factory, which had a negative influence on the supply of vitamin A and vitamin C. Other vitamin raw materials were affected by domestic environmental inspection.

- Prices of vitamins changed significantly due to the unstable supply during 2017 and 2018.

- Many listed vitamin enterprises had good financial performances in 2017 and some even continued in 2018 because of high vitamin prices.

Purpose of report:

Production, export, raw material, production technology and price changes of China's key vitamins, dynamics of leading manufacturers, and environmental issues were analyzed in this report, in order to clearly describe and better understand the status and future trend of China's vitamin industry.

What to report:

- An overview of China's vitamin industry, 2017–2018;

- Production and export of China's key vitamins, 2017–2018;

- Price changes of China's vitamins, 2017–2018;

- Dynamics of leading vitamin manufacturers, including background information, financial performances and product structure, 2017 and 2018;

- Environmental issues and policies and their impacts on the vitamin market;


- Environmental pressure will continue to be the key factor that influences vitamin industry in China.

- Chinese vitamin manufacturers’ relocation and environmental upgrading projects is predicted to continue in 2019 and 2020.

- Raw materials are expected to be increasingly important in the production of vitamins in China.

To enquire about this report, please email or call +86-20-37616606.

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