Governmental Direction of China's Dairy Industry in 2018

Report edition: 2019 edition(2)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 22
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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   USD 3,750

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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables


Dairy product industry hot topics in 2018:

- On 11 June, 2018, the State Council of the People's Republic of China officially issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Advancement of the Revitalisation of the Dairy Industry and Guaranteeing Dairy Products Quality Safety (the Opinions), demanding a development of balance between speed and quality.

- The infant formula registration policy was officially implemented on 1 January, 2018, which has eliminated numerous small uncompetitive factories with backward production facilities and poor quality products. It is a huge step in the long way improving domestic infant formula's quality.

- In December 2018, The General Administration of Customs issued the first-ever List of Registered Russian Enterprises of Dairy Product (Except Infant Formula) and first-ever List of Registered Cypriot Enterprises of Dairy Product (Except Infant Formula), announcing the approval for 10 companies from Russia and 13 companies form Cyprus.


Affected by the Chinese macroeconomic environment and the growth of dairy market consumption, dairy production and per capita dairy consumption increased significantly, dairy industry has already become one of the fastest growing industries in China. But several problems such as unreasonable structure, surging costs of environmental protection and overall monitoring came up along with the development. At this time, the governmental policies and supervision are especially important.

Purpose of the report:

To clearly describe the government direction on China's dairy industry, CCM has collected lots of information in various ways. In this report, all aspects of the government policies and supervision have been analysed.

What to report:

In this report, government direction on China's dairy product industry has been analysed exhaustively from the following aspects:

- Industry development

- Industry standard

- Foreign products


The Chinese government will strengthen the guidance of dairy industry and will pay more attention to dairy safety problems and structure optimization of dairy industry. At the international level, international dairy cooperation will still be the most important topic.

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