Market and Competitive Analysis of Dicamba Industry in China

Report edition: 2021 edition(9)
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Document type: PDF
Total pages : 69
Language version: English
Published by CCM
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  • Introduction
  • Main contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures


In recent years, development of dicamba-tolerant crops and weeds' increasing resistance to competing products like glyphosate have directed more and more attention to dicamba. Development and promotion of dicamba-tolerant crops in the US and South America also indicate a promising future of dicamba products.

Amidst a fast-growing dicamba market in the globe, Chinese enterprises are also preparing for catching up with the trend. Currently, China is the world's largest producing country by capacity of dicamba technical. And it had been developing rapidly in China in the past few years but the growth slowed since 2018. In 2020, the demand for dicamba recovered as dicamba products got approved again in the US. Dicamba is expected to have good market prospects in the future.

In an aim of helping investors dig out the business opportunities and avoid the risks in this promising market, this report presents information and data for the overall market of dicamba in China. Besides, the top three dicamba producers in China, which have been taking the lead in the industry development, have been selected for in-depth benchmarking analysis in the aspects of production, sales, cost, finance and so on.

Detailed information on the following aspects will be showed in this report:

- Overview of the global dicamba market

- Overall development of China’s dicamba industry

- Capacity and output of dicamba technical in China (2013–2020)

- Manufacturers of dicamba technical and their capacities and outputs in China (2020–June 2021)

- Potential capacity of dicamba technical as of July 2021

- Analysis of dicamba exports from China (2016–Q1 2021)

- Consumption of dicamba in China by volume and application fields (2014–2020)

- Price trend of dicamba in China (2009–July 2021)

- Forecast on supply and demand of dicamba in China (2021–2025)

- Benchmarking research on the three major Chinese dicamba manufacturers

- Investment opportunities and suggestions

To enquire about this report, please email or call +86-20-37616606.

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